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Friday, 15 September 2023

If you've read my post....

of 5th September - 8 days ago, titled: "Do you know" etc., asking if those who donated, actually knew where their money would be spent....well here is.....where the top brass from Stonehenge Alliance, go off on a jolly to Paris to present their petition to UNESCO which asks... "Stop the road now"!

"Petition presented to UNESCO, Paris

5 September 2023: A Stonehenge Alliance delegation caught an early Eurostar to Paris to make UNESCO aware of the global opposition to the Government’s damaging road building plans through the Stonehenge World Heritage Site.  

SSWHS launches second legal challenge

No sooner has the second anniversary of the quashing of the original development consent by the High Court passed than the legal team, Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site finds itself launching a second legal challenge.   The Crowd funder has already reached its initial target of £50,000.  Thank you for your continued support.  The next stage will need to appeal for nearly £80,000.  

Decision to APPROVE A303 Stonehenge scheme again!

These are the people - delaying the job to improve the lives of local people who live close to Stonehenge!!
These are the people - preventing the movement of goods to the West Country and so improving the economy there.....!!
These are the people - who say the rail network should be improved to the West Country so that those goods can be transported via rail.....!
These are the people - who have not thought of the villages that would have to be swallowed up to complete this task and the cost there off!
These are the people - holding up the improvement of their beloved World Heritage Site which would take away that blot on the landscape that is the A303 therefore opening the area up for all to enjoy!
These are the people - responsible for the increased cost in getting the project started but continually point out the cost of the job!!

All headed up by the "Big Cheese" 
Tom Holland!

 as always.....their argument is full of holes and it's all crackers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said!