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Thursday 8 September 2022

I don't hang about.....

Within an hour of<> Anne-Marie Trevelyan, taking up her new post as Transport Secretary, I wrote an e-mail to her, letting her know of our plight living near Stonehenge and the over capacity A303

"Here's what I wrote:

Dear Anne-Marie,

Congratulations on “getting the job”!

Whilst I understand that your in-box will be over flowing right now, when you manage to work your way through, I would ask you to personally get involved in the argument to fix or not to fix the A303 past Stonehenge and treat the problem of the over capacity A303 at Stonehenge with the utmost urgency.   Local people in my village of Shrewton have suffered – some over 30 years, with Rat Run traffic and I have been writing my blog since 2013.   169,000 vehicles on a 6 meter wide road in one month is just not acceptable and I wrote to your predecessor on this very subject.   I understand it’s not the government holding up the project but a group calling themselves who are putting ever increasing obstacles in the way of progress….as my Tweets and blog say: “What’s not to like about removing the A303 from the World Heritage Site and opening up the area for all to enjoy?”.

I leave you with one of my posts on the blog that show outrageous traffic figures and speeds through our village and hope that you and your team can liaise with National Highways, with whom we at STAG work closely, so that we can all progress forward.

With very best wishes in your new post

Janice Hassett (Mrs)

Founder: STAG Stonehenge Traffic Action Group"

Address supplied

Sent from Mail for Windows

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