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Friday 3 December 2021

A303 Stonehenge Peace Camp

or Stonehenge Heritage Action Camp..... SHAC for short!

What to do about the.....💩

Those of us of a certain age will remember the build of the A34 in Berkshire from 1995 through to opening in 1998 and of course it's collection of Peace Camps there in.  You may even be as old as me and have memory of the A30 build in Devon where one...Swampy (Daniel Marc Hooper) came to light.....will Swampy turn out of his nice cosy home in Wales to join this lot at West Amesbury - very close to us here in Shrewton.   The organizer...Miss Guided, was interviewed recently on BBC Wiltshire, Ben Prater's Breakfast program saying they were "in it for the long haul"....!  and of course, we hope they have enough neolithic mince pies to see them through Christmas!!

So, if we ordinary people have plans a house or even add to our present living space, we understand that one must have Planning Permission from the Council.   Not so it seems, for this ramshackle collection of one horsebox converted to a motor home, some caravans and polythene covered yurt type structure; there is a lot of general rubbish about and we wonder how do the occupants justify their “carbon neutral type” credentials.   Check out the orange cable coming out of the grey Volkswagen van which presumably powers up the camp’s ‘stuff’, so it’s probably got either a bank of batteries with a series of inverters, or a very, very quiet generator.....

Check out the orange cable

This is a pretty well constructed "chalet" too...well done you guys!!!   And our friends will be snug as bugs in this polythene that carbon neutral???   don't think so some how! 

So all you need are a few trees and when you've finished hugging them....just chop 'em down and use as firewood!                                                        


Not too sure about this residence...fancy living in truck tyre?

Anyone who keeps up with my blog, will be aware I've always referred to the A303 as the "elephant in the room"...see here:   But now we must visit the Peace Camp "elephant in the room" and that is the 💩 could this little shed with it's own front door be the Privvy?? and when it's full, will they bury the content?......or..... 


Anonymous said...

Just a couple of discrepancies to note here..the group actially call themselves SHAG (Stonehenge herotage action group). There are more pressing concerns than the traffic. They're actually concerned with much more pressing matters such as Highway England's plans to rip a world herotage site to shreds..and their occupation plan seems to he working as officials from HE have said that the presence of a resistance camp has been considered at evdry step of the planning process. These photos dont sctially show any rubbish..infact the camp operates on a zeroe waste basis, and have not burnt a single twig from this woodland floor. All their firewood is ethically sourced, often rediverted from the scam we call the biomass industry. Their compost situation involves a wheelie bin situation..which in a years time will nourish the earth and the food they are growing..while the rest of us pump our poop into fresh drinking water, and wash it all out to sea for absolutely no reason. The geodome is expertly constructed using traditional hazel poles and bin dived piping..pretty sure one lf them pointed out that the tarp, as with all their resources was also rescued from landfill. If youd have gone inside for a cuppa youd have also noted their solar panel set up!

Janice Hassett said...

So! to set the records straight, this response has come in from the Peace Camp or do I mean:
and if you can get your head around the lack of syntax and grammar, the out of date terminology for National Highways...(tho' I don't suppose they're too bothered) the spelling and mixed up thinking, this is what they say:
"Awaiting moderation.....
Unknown commented on "A303 Stonehenge Peace Camp"
7 Dec 2021....see above