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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Of course!......nothing needs to be done about the A303 past Stonehenge!

At least that's what Stonehenge Alliance and their associated groups, sycophants, and whom so ever would have us believe, in the same way that Hitler; by repeating the same lie ad infanitum, believed that people would inevitably accept it as truth.   And by the way.....the majority of their followers don't live where we live.
Yes! I do keep banging on about rat run traffic in our village of Shrewton, and so, following on from my post dated 02/05/2019 showing the SID figures (smiley face to you and me) for the 15 days over Easter for London Road - just one of the 4 entry points to our village at 67,030 vehicles,  and those registered for June at....168,939 with a max speed of 78-mph!!!

And now we have the July figure at.....150,125 with a max speed of 78-mph.....again!   Ah! I hear you say.....the figure has reduced for July!.....well that's good is it not? 
No! not if you take into account the fact that London Road was closed for 3 days during the installation of our new village gateway and signage.  So, lets do some figures...... if we take the average figure per day at 4574.8 vehicles and times this by 3 making a further 13,724.4 to be added to 150,125 and so bringing the figure up nearer June's to 163,849.4!!!!   And the schools have not even broken up for summer....well, call me a geek but, I for one am looking forward to August figures!
Rat running is used as a means to divert out of the queue on the A303 on the single section past the monument of Stonehenge and find a "faster route" or at least one that means....."well at least I'm moving!!!"   Unfortunately, this descends right in our High Street with a width varying over 7 to 9 meters and very often no pavements.....our village is a dangerous place to live!
NO! Nothing should be done about the A303 past Stonehenge!!  
 Stonehenge Alliance say....a longer tunnel of 4.5km: Stonehenge Traffic Action Group - STAG say "Clearly, these people are in cloud cuckoo land and have not thought where the east and west portals would be if a longer tunnel were agreed - their original request being a tunnel 4.5km starting from Folly Bottom which would take the western portal out right adjacent to the monument !!!!?🤣     Or, if we leave the eastern portal where it is on the plan.....the west portal would have to be at Winterbourne Stoke High Street and exiting straight into the River Till water meadow!!!... I don't think that was the plan somehow. All of this taking a further 10 or 15 years of further consultation and deliberation and costing £4 billion instead of the present £1.7 billion!!! So, will all these groups have a whip round??.....probably not!!!😆

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