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Sunday, 18 August 2019

It's only local people who RAT RUN?!

At least this is according to some Amesbury Councillors including our "Local Highway Engineer"...note: ("Highway" not to be mistaken for Highways England)

On the 20th July, the writer of this blog was injured having fallen on rough tarmac on the pedestrian walkway along side the Co-op in Shrewton High Street.   The incident was reported on

"My Wiltshire" at Wiltshire Council where apparently...... "Everybody Matters" and these photos show the injuries.

Of more concern to the writer, are the elderly in our village, many of whom use Rollators or Disability Scooters.  Why this "walkway" was merely painted on without addressing the surface and perhaps using some sort of high friction smooth surfacing, beggars belief.  The elderly tell me they try to avoid the rough surface by going out into the road usually meaning they have to avoid parked vehicles, of which there are many because this is part of the RAT RUN therefore taking them into the path of on-coming vehicles.  Many of these are speeding because they have come off their planned route to avoid the queues on the A303.
A further e-mail was sent to our Local Highway Engineer and you can read his response when it was forwarded to Bridget Wayman who is Cabinet member for Transport in this area. This is the response from our "Local Highway Engineer"....please pay particular attention to the part in ENLARGED BOLD regarding RAT RUNNING..... and local people...... 
"From: Local Highway Engineer 
Sent: 23 July 2019 09:31
To: Bridget.Wayman: Cabinet Member for Transport Wiltshire Council
Subject: FW: Shrewton High Street B3086

Dear Councillor Wayman,
 We became aware of the injury to Mrs Hassett yesterday, as it was reported to us via an app report, my Technician inspected the vicinity outside the shop and could not find a defect which met our intervention levels for attention. The marked foot way is on the road outside the shop as the road is not wide enough to construct or install a proper foot way, the markings were requested and installed via the CATG process as stated.
 Whilst the surface is uneven it is not possible to undertake any remedial works to make it safer. This could only be achieved with a substantial patch being done or the road being completely resurfaced, which is planned in the next few years.
 The issue of ‘rat running’ has been a long running complaint by residents of Shrewton and there is no easy solution to this issue, mostly as the rat running is done by locals and other residents of Wiltshire who know how to avoid the problems of the A303 in the summer months. There is documentary evidence from traffic surveys undertaken to confirm that this is the case.
 With regards to the scheduling of works in the Shrewton Area, whilst High Street ‘ is on the list’ for resurfacing; other roads within the Shrewton area have taken precedence. The A360 through the village was resurfaced this financial year, the B3086 has been surface dressed in its entirety from Shrewton to Rollestone Crossroads, Orcheston Lane is being surface dressed in part this year; and a number of other associated works have been undertaken each year since 2014.
 I can confirm that High Street was never scheduled for resurfacing in 2014 and the Parish Council just assumed that it was to be done, due to the fact it was shown on the proposed list of resurfacing works for future works when the current major maintenance program was complied. Diane Ware can provide you with the list of works done in the area since 2014 and what proposals are in place for the future including the possible date for High Street re-surfacing.
 I note the issue of vehicles parking outside the shop but the matter lies with the Parish Council to consider whether to apply for waiting restrictions or yellow lines. They have so far refrained from applying, as they do not want the Co- Op to close due to lack of custom.
 I have sympathy with Mr Hassett and the injuries sustained by his wife and we will continue to monitor the area outside the shop but it is unlikely that I can undertake any substantial repair without major works being required to remove the unevenness of the carriage way in that location.
I trust this provides sufficient information for you to respond.
Andy Cole
Amesbury and Tidworth Areas
Local Highways Engineer
Highways and Transport
Wiltshire Council
Mr Cole..... with regard to the paragraph in your e-mail: "mostly as the rat running is done by locals etc...." I fail to understand how a village with 1870 voting residents, which probably equates to 850 vehicles??? can cause rat running over the course of a month at a rate of 168,393 for June and 150,125 for the month of July and this only on London Road B3086!!!!   Of course, you've probably noticed that we all drive around the area with Top boxes, up to 4 bicycles on the rear of our vehicles, pulling caravans and....we even sometimes drive around with surf boards on the top!!!!   
In conclusion, thank you for you're concern regarding my knee, hand, nose and chin are healing well but it does appear that the scar caused by the  torn lip will be there for the rest of my life!!  

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