contacted us on our Facebook page looking to have a live interview on Wednesday last and agreed to do this at 14.30 to suit me...Now I wouldn't say I'm getting blasé about doing these live interviews, but more comfortable now than when I started the campaign to dual the A303 past Stonehenge. So no pre prep just straight in there and here's the link...

Incidentally, the figure of 67,030 rat run vehicles mentioned in the piece has now been updated for the month of June to a massive: 168,393 and that's just for London Road Shrewton so what about a SID on Salisbury Road A360 too Shrewton Parish Council....oh! on second thoughts we would need 2 - one at either side of the mini roundabout since that's where all the traffic meets....and http://stonehengealliance.org.uk/ say that nothing should be done to the A303 past Stonehenge.... it's only busy at peak time apparently....where have you been Stonehenge Alliance....get updated!!!!
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