
One Dr Simon Temple BSc MSc D.Phil at his request, was handed the mic and was extremely dismissive stated that "congestion on the A303 only occurred on some sunny days, usually at weekends and that rat running was not an issue.....So therefore the scheme is NOT NECESSARY!!!" Here we have likened Dr Temple to the good Dr Bunsen Honeydew and we thought his sidekick - Beaker should be one Ms Kate Fielden!!
Needless to say, this got my dander up and when Dr Bunsen had finished his specious diatribe, I requested the mic and gave him and everyone else in the hall the true facts......guns blazing!!
The panel of Inspectors already had copy of the SID figures for the 15 days over Easter of 67,000 vehicles accessing our village on just one of the entry points and were NOT surprised at my outburst but I do think it did surprise our friend Dr Bunsen and his cronies at Stonehenge Alliance!
The panel also had copy of the reported accident figures for our immediate area for the years 2012 - 2018 and we await the following year to 2019 when it's available from Wiltshire Council.....we would point out that many go unreported......and rat running is not an issue apparently.
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