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Tuesday, 16 July 2019

A303 Stonehenge scheme begins search for a contractor....

Image result for highways england logoAPPLICATIONS ARE INVITED.....

Experience will be necessary in the following areas:
Pie in the Sky,
Water defining methodology
Ignoring the elephant in the room 
Being familiar with the term Troglodyte,
Non discovery of items of interest that aren't there!
Applicants must also have a fundamental knowledge of: 
Gobbledygook, Balderdash, Piffle, Hogwash and Claptrap!
P.O.T.U.S need not apply!'ll need one of these: Image result for tunnel digging machineI  like this one because it's red!

Image result for hard hat iconYou may also need one of these: and I like this one 'cos it's red too and it's even got a light on it!

Related imageYou should also remember to wear these 'cos it could get quite muddy down there

Applicants will also require to be very careful that this doesn't fall into the hole.....Image result for Tony Husband cartoons of StonehengeImage result for Tony Husband cartoons of Stonehenge tunnel
My thanks to Tony Husband for his kind permission to use his cartoons!

1 comment:

Dr.Strange said...

Seamus Ginsburg posts: "My lads will build your bypass quicker than you can say 'Oyvay' "