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Sunday, 22 December 2024

Robbing Peter to pay Paul....

Oh well, you see I'm Rachel Reeves the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 
and I'm allowed to do what I like at any cost! 😓

I hope you read this post "Shot herself in the foot etc" following Labour taking office on 5th July 2024 and.... we're all aware by now, of the rash decisions made by this Government...decisions badly thought out with little or no experience of the subject at hand or long term thinking and, here's just one of those decisions:
Of course, making decisions of this nature may seem right at the time, but this type of decision doesn't come cheap.  The other announcement made by this government, is the self created £22 billion black hole in the country's finances, tho' the Independent Fiscal Institution (IFI) have never been able to substantiate this £22 billion black hole, which was apparently created by the previous government, and aren't we reminded of it every time, any of the life inexperienced MP's either talk to camera or write a newspaper article.....not only are we all sick of hearing the term "black hole" but it's now boring to hear.....just get on with the job or stand down!!!  Didn't the last government inherit another type of "black hole" when they took over from Labour in 2010 and took years to balance the dosh, when along came Mr Covid and it all fell apart again!!!
So, to get back to the cancellation of the A303 Project as per my blog in July this year.   There is a cost to this and it doesn't come cheap either! National Highways, a government owned organisation, will pick up the bill, so ultimately, you and me will pay.  They say that, to wind down such a high level project, this being for work already carried out in preparation for the green light, which has now turned red!!!! cannot be costed right now but the BBC link below provides an insight into that cost.

My thanks to a resident of Shrewton for requesting a "Freedom of Information" which has now produced an article that tells us just some of the cost of that cancellation and the reasons there in.  here's what he posted on S.O.S Shrewton yesterday.....

"The public cost of the now-cancelled A303 tunnel has risen to £179.2m. I made a request under the Freedom of Information Act, and National Highways responds that the cost will increase further. Although it does not have to pay compensation for cancelling the major contract with an international consortium of engineering companies, it will still have to pay for work already untertaken. It states: “National Highways is liable to pay for reasonable costs and these are being considered. These activities take time.” The final cost is not yet known."

When I started STAG back in October 2013, the cost of the project was already at £46m of wasted time and effort and that, just on meetings and deliberations over some 20 years...along come Labour who in 2007, cancelled the project, allowing costs to rise expodentially. With nothing going on for the next 6 years, following my petition to get the traffic moving on the Stonehenge section of the by now, over capacity A303 and to stop the rat running through the village of Shrewton, with the help of local MP John Glen, a debate took place at Westminster Hall where it was agreed the project should re start .....In July this year, when The Chancellor, Rachel Reeves took office - (who it appears, has a certain resemblance to Cruella DeVille) cancelled it - again!!!! it was all ready to GO!! Some preparation work during this autumn and into the spring on 2025 and the tunnelling machine could move in.

Now! from tax payers money, she will have to pay the ongoing costs to cancel the project....who knows how much, but standing presently at £180million!!!!!!! By the way.....have you signed the petition yet.....

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