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Friday 26 August 2022

The Results are in!

UNESCO have now submitted their comment and advisory from their visit in April earlier this year.....

Remember this when STAG were provided just a few hours notice to meet up with UNESCO: 

This is the link to their report - all 81 pages of it, tho' a lot of it is fairly repetitive and most information can be accessed in the first 10 pages.  It does appear that they agree the road needs to be removed from the World Heritage Site in some form and have accepted the tunnel as being one option to improve the OUV of  "the property" i.e "Outstanding Universal Value".   Their main concern is of course, the cutting to the Western Portal and the surface cutting to same.   This has always been on the cards and I cannot think that National Highways would not have something on the drawing board to prevent the project being extended a further 2 or 3 years before commencement.🙏

UNESCO have made a number of expected recommendations including junking the present project and heading south skirting the WHS which in our opinion - will be "back to the drawing board" and hopefully not an option.   The alternative is the option to take the Western Portal out to the A360 and closer to Longbarrow Roundabout possibly changing it's position and therefore removing the western tunnel entrance from the World Heritage Site altogether.....

So! it does seem that the DCO will not be agreed in the immediate future!!

And there's one thing we CAN be sure of is that will milk this for all it's worth! 

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