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Sunday, 30 May 2021

The RAT RUN has returned......

So, following on from my earlier Post "Let the Rat Run Begin"......the Bank Holiday never disappoints.  Shrewton High Street, nose to tail when I approached from Highfield Rise on my dog walk at about 16.20 Friday 28th May!   With reported incidents on our village chat line of one of our villagers having to avoid a vehicle, where the driver got fed up waiting to get through the on coming traffic outside the Co-op..... and mounted the pavement.

A comment on Twitter the other day from a follower of Stonehenge Alliance asked the question: 

"IF Shrewton DOES have Rat Run traffic, where does it exit back to the A303"?.....follow your sat nav mate, like you did to get into the village!!!

Our village thankfully, has a Community Speed Watch Team - all volunteers and supported by Wiltshire Police.   So that everyone is clear that we don't make up the "RAT RUN" take a look at our session from the afternoon of Friday 28th.    Just to be clear....this, as you can see is just one hour at our Meadway Site - 15.30 to 16.30 registering traffic in ONE DIRECTION - 527 vehicles.   It's been said in the past that "it's only local people who rat run".   I hardly think that a third of the population of Shrewton took to driving along the A360 at Meadway during the hour session with bikes on the back, top boxes and even kayaks strapped to the top of our vehicles.   

The Speed Watch Team are out on a regular basis and if you speed in our village....please expect to get caught. While you study the list - obviously the number plates have been redacted, you will notice speeds over 

35 - 39 mph, 40 - 44 mph and our best or worst yet...

57 mph!!!!!   I rather think Mr Plod may have something to say to that driver wherever he's come from or going to....


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