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Monday, 25 January 2021

Open Space for all to enjoy - or.......

As the video tells us, the present situation is just not sustainable and provides the balance as to what the World Heritage Site will look like when the project is complete.....So! we can have what's in the video or to keep what we've got....doesn't bear thinking of, especially for local villages when more of the British public take to the A303 to head west on holiday....

If : get their way, this whole project could end up in the High Court :

  Here's what they say:
 "You’ve made the stretching target 
🙏🏻THANK YOU! 🙏🏻 More than two thousand of you have raised £50,000 via Crowd Justice to challenge the decision by Department for Transport to overrule the Examiners’ recommendation not to construct the A303 Stonehenge scheme. Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site issued a legal claim to halt the major A303 road project that would carve deep cuttings to a tunnel within the Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS) by the deadline. Here is Leigh Day’s statement explaining the basis of the case:  "  

This is scaremongering at it's very best and it's such a pity that they cannot rely on local knowledge to promote their cause.... the majority of people who signed.....and paid the money to reach £50,000 for court proceedings....actually don't live anywhere near Stonehenge World Heritage Site...some live in other countries or even other continents and probably don't have a clue where it is!!!   

How far I wonder, will their £50K take them having employed a London solicitor:   A very expensive London Solicitor!!!....Oh! of course, they'll just come cap in hand for more of you to part with you're hard earned cash!
Watch the vid again folks and see what life could be like!

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