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Monday, 30 November 2020

Aggressive begging.....or pie in the sky?

Is there no "depths" (see what I did there?) to where these people will go, with their followers in asking for money from people, many from other countries and who don't even know where the World Heritage Site is, far less Stonehenge monument help them fight their legal corner.

I like the bit where Tom Holland President of says "To have won the arguments based on reason and evidence, and then to have them overruled on a ministerial whim, shows just how broken the roads approval process is"

Just read more of this blog to find out about his comment "reason and evidence" which is more like scaremongering, fabrication, conjecture presented as fact, deliberate misinformation and proselytism (dictionary at the ready here folks) 😂   None of their arguments ever held water....remember my colander in the posting titled "Dan Snow...yes that...."dated 18/3/2015


Legal action launched on Stonehenge road decision 

EMBARGOED: 00:01 hrs, Monday, 30 November, 2020

Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site [2], a new organization set up by The Stonehenge Alliance, has instructed counsel and Leigh Day to investigate the lawfulness of the Secretary of State’s decision [3] to approve the A303 Stonehenge dual carriageway.  A letter is being sent today (Friday 27th) to the Department for Transport outlining its concerns.

To make this possible, campaigners are launching an appeal on Crowd Justice [4] to raise £50,000 to cover the initial costs of the legal action, which will go live at 6am on Monday.

The decision by Grant Shapps to approve the road on 12 November, despite a recommendation by the Examination Panel that it be refused [5], sent shock waves around the world.

Tom Holland, Stonehenge Alliance President, expressed his backing for the legal action:

I fully back the move to test whether Grants Shapps acted legally in approving this highly wasteful and destructive road scheme. The Government has ignored advice from both UNESCO [6] and the independent panel who presided over a six-month examination. To have won the arguments based on reason and evidence, and then to have them overruled on a ministerial whim, shows just how broken the roads approval process is.

“I urge everyone who cares about the Stonehenge World Heritage Site to support this legal action. There is still a chance to stop the bulldozers moving in and vandalising our most precious and iconic prehistoric landscape.

Word to the wise Stonehenge Alliance....

Stop flogging a dead horse!

And just for the record S A....We do also care about the Stonehenge World Heritage Site!!

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