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Wednesday 5 February 2020

Like for Like??!!

This caught my eye and gave me the laugh I craved right now:

New post on The Heritage Journal

Presumably the folk who write for Heritage Journal think it's right to compare the congestion on a 7 mile stretch of the A303 - part dual carriageway that filters down to single carriageway with that in London plus the other cities on their graph??!!
Would they not have been better to make a like for like comparison with....say the A31 at Ringwood in Hampshire? 
This is their reply to my comment on their piece :

New comment on The Heritage Journal

As one can clearly see…these are all major cities in the UK which would be expected to have congestion especially at peak times. The A303 at Stonehenge is not however, part of a city and this 7 miles section is over capacity by 80%. I rest my case!

"1. Whether a road is rural or urban is irrelevant when assessing the economic cost of congestion so your point is invalid as you’ve misunderstood the point.
2. An overcapacity of 70% is dwarfed by the many hundreds of percentage over capacity suffered by many hundreds of other roads so your point makes the valid point that the money would be far better spent in many other places.
You’re now welcome to rest your case!!"
Image result for thinking emoji png"

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