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Friday, 14 December 2018

Planning Inspectorate has accepted....

So! a nice lady from Highways England with a very long title:

"Communications Engagement Manager for the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down Stonehenge Project".....wrote to me yesterday asking if I would put out an update for those who might be following what is now considered a major project for Highways England and the government...and so here it is, along with the Timeline for the whole project:

Progress report

Our application for a development consent order to build the scheme has been accepted by the Planning Inspectorate. You can view our application and register as an interested party between 8 December 2018 and 11 January 2019 on the the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
This is an important milestone as it signifies another step towards improving this vital route to the south west.
We have also produced an explanatory booklet to help you understand the proposed scheme. It sets out the key elements on the scheme, reflecting its development since consultation, and will act as a guide to important information for those wanting to engage with the Planning Inspectorate’s examination of our proposals.

Much more information can be found here including the updated Explanatory booklet and shows that Highways England have listened and taken on board our responses to the recent consultations held earlier this year: 
What's next
The A303 improvement past Stonehenge is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and will be considered under the Planning Act 2008. Under the Act, applicants apply for a Development Consent Order (DCO) from the Secretary of State for Transport.
We submitted the DCO application on 19 October 2018 to the Planning Inspectorate who accepted it on 16 November 2018. The Inspectorate will now arrange a detailed examination of the application, in which stakeholders and the public can participate, before making a recommendation to the Secretary of State who will make the final decision on the scheme proceeding.
More details about the examination process can be found on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.


2013A303 feasibility study announced as part of the Autumn Statement
2014Scheme included in the Roads Investment Strategy
2015-2016Route options assessed
12 January to 5 March 2017Non-statutory consultation on route options
September 2017Preferred route announced
8 February to 23 April 2018Statutory consultation on proposed scheme
17 July to 14 August 2018Supplementary consultation
19 October 2018Development consent order application submitted
16 November 2018Development consent order accepted for examination
Early 2019Begin public examination
2021 (planned)Start work on site

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