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Thursday, 5 July 2018

Highways England update on A303 Project

This is the link to the latest update for the A303 project:

Highways England are anxious to engage with local people, experts and Stakeholders (STAG is one of those) and have listened to responses from the last consultation earlier this year, when they received over 5000 replies and have acted upon these.   You can update yourselves reading this link and yet again, another raft Consultation dates:

For the supplementary consultation, we will be holding two public information events and making printed materials available at libraries and other community venues local to the scheme.
Please come along to one of our information events to ask our project team about the supplementary consultation.
Thursday 19 July 20182pm to 8pmThe Manor BarnHigh St, Winterbourne Stoke, Salisbury, SP3 4SZ
Tuesday 31 July 20182pm to 8pmAntrobus House39 Salisbury Rd, Amesbury, SP4 7HH
Copies of the supplementary consultation materials, including a booklet and response forms, will be available for inspection free of charge from Tuesday 17 July 2018 to Tuesday 14 August 2018 at the following locations and times:
  • Amesbury Library, Smithfield Street, Amesbury, Salisbury, SP4 7AL
  • Tidworth Leisure Centre, Nadder Road, Tidworth,SP9 7QW
  • Salisbury Library, Market Place, Salisbury, SP1 1BL
  • Wiltshire Council Offices County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN
  • Wilton Library, South Street, Wilton, SP2 0JS
  • Devizes Community Hub and Library, Sheep Street, Devizes, SN10 1DL
  • Marlborough Library, 91 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1HD
  • Warminster Library, 3 Horseshoe Walk, Warminster, BA12 9BT
  • Westbury Library, Westbury House, Edward Street, BA13 3BD
  • The Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre, Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, SN15 3QN
Thank you to everyone who came along to our events and submitted their responses for the previous consultation.
If you are following the progress of the scheme, you may well have followed earlier versions of this scheme. Some of these will have had different approaches and processes, or been governed by older legislation. We’ve put together a clear guide to the planning process we’re following: this explains exactly what happens, when, and how you get can get involved.

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