Sometimes, Watch Bustard.....mentioned in previous posts, feels the need to tidy up his nest ("and about time too"..says The Mrs) and on having a bit of a clear-out, chanced upon this Newspaper cutting from 2005 about......The Stonehenge Tunnel!! As he re-read the article, responded..."deja-vu isn't what it's cracked up to be"!
Actually things don't seem to have changed much in 12 years.....Dragnet......for those of you old enough to remember the opening line "the facts you're about to hear are true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent".....No innocents here!!
So, what has changed? The government in place, the A344 was closed by - to accomodate a ghastly new Visitor's Centre that is a blot on the landscape, it comes complete with a car park that reminds one of a car boot sale!! The traffic on the A303 has increased, Rat Running through local villages has also increased, many millions of tax payers money has been spent on deliberations, meetings, consultations, visits by Government officials, and bickering archaeologists continue to put the cart before the horse.....and the road is still visible through the Trilithon today!
Piranha teeth....Jocelyn Stevens, Chairman of EH 1992-2000 who apparently, delighted in firing rather than hiring, set his edict about the A303 tunnel 'solution', which still remains implacably in place. Yet the arch villain of the piece, writing in 1997 as a forward to the book: "Stonehenge Revealed" said this:-
"There will be free access for all! Visitors will be able to enjoy fully, the isolation, the ancient atmosphere and the awesomeness of Stonehenge's prehistoric environment". Yet the author of the book - David Souden, proposes a theme park setting, a view cheerfully endorsed by Jocelyn Stevens.....
Watch Bustard is now musing..."must go on
You Tube and watch Ground Hog Day again!!!
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