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Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Re arrange this title into a well known gaggle of politicians...
Answers on a P.C. please to: No10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA!!

Thank you to Faye at Spire FM for her story  and allowing me to have the last word......
Janice Hassett is from the Stonehenge Traffic Action Group says this is a real drive forward:

"The package must be tied up so tightly that no successive Government, be it next May or in 2020, can unravel this. We desperately need this road fixed. If it has to be a tunnel, it has to be a tunnel, but whatever's on the table, we'll have it."
Up with the lark for a Monday morning.....Watch Bustard  and wife are off to Stonehenge Visitor's Centre for the big announcement by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, that the A303 is to be upgraded and proving that all our hard work over the past 30 years and for us - 14 months..... has not been in vein!!
Janice Hassett....i.e. me....Founder of STAG
Stonehenge Traffic Action Group, has to be there for 07.30 with the face all made up and ready for interviews with :
BBC Wiltshire's Ben Prater, Spire FM's Faye, Alex Rennie from Salisbury Journal, BBC Solant and also BBC South Today with Paul Clifton.....thanks to all for the coverage!   Of course we are aware we were not the real reason for your attendance today and it may have had something to do with some photo opportunities for politicians?   Note, in this photo....Ben's way of getting up close and personal during problem for John Glen MP at his height but a bit disconcerting if you happen to be 4ft 11ins like me. Talk about "in your face"!

Transport Correspondent for BBC South Today Paul Clifton also allowed us some good coverage on the telly, with a view of our message on the back of the Hi Viz Vest's we were wearing...brilliant!
Of course Stonehenge Alliance had also to be interviewed "providing a balanced report"....John Glen having the only extra set of head phones is able to listen to the interview between Ben and Kate Fielding, while the rest of us can't hear a thing......the expression on his face is a picture, at her responses.....rolling of the eyes and the disbelief at what she had to say......suggestions of a longer tunnel adding a further £320m to the cost, road user charge for non local traffic, put a toll on the tunnel to help pay for it, and of course there were the useless facts that today was the anniversary of the Channel Tunnel breaking through!!!
On another planet me thinks...... Here's a comment from one Paul Timlett who has listened to the piece:  
"Ha!  Yes Ben Prater's response was a cracker. His dramatic pause said it all. He then referenced the fact that John was shaking his head. John then got stuck in - great radio."
And the response to my challenge that the lads should cycle to Plymouth and back in a day, therefore using our bikes more,as Kate suggested previously:
From Andy Shuttleworth (General Disquiet):  "Much as I like a challenge, that is verging on suicidal.  However, I would encourage Kate Fielding to try - hopefully she would make it over the Wiltshire border before meeting her demise…"
So! that was the morning of 1st December and now for the afternoon......
A visit by no less than :
The PM Himself.....Mr David Cameron!    His entourage of 4 cars, took him straight down the now closed A344 flouting the SUO perhaps??   Well.....he is the Prime Minister - obviously wanted to knock Stonehenge off his bucket list just like the President did in October!
PM tells Journal that Stonehenge tunnel is an “unstoppable force”So there we were - the STAG team,  standing about in the freezing cold awaiting his return and all we get is Tilly Flop otherwise known as Fleur de Rhe Philipe from Wiltshire Council and of course, Uncle Simon CE of EH.....usually around for a photo opportunity!
John Glen's secretary, Laura came out to let us know that our hi viz jackets had caused a stir with the PM's security guys and they wanted to arresicate us for instergatering a possible riot......who me? little me!!!!?   We did wonder why the men in suits and wired for sound were getting a bit too close for comfort......
But apparently John Glen MP put them right saying we were on the governement's side in all that went on today.....thank you, you may have saved me from spending time at Her Majesty's pleasure!!!
Anyway, we didn't get to see the PM 'cos he was whisked away
up the A360 and......yes onto the A303 to London!!!
As an extra aside for all those who have negative, uninformed ideas about todays announcement, please take a look at our sister blog: 

We're still collecting signatures on our web page at:







1 comment:

General Disquiet said...

I found it sooooooo telling, yesterday, that those from Wiltshire Council with responsibility for transport issues, the same ones who have been noticeable by their absence from any meaningful debate with the public on the A303 and Stonehenge dualing issue, had the temerity to pitch up for the PMs visit. Brown-nosers one and all. Still County Councillors have to be elected from time to time - or NOT!