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Thursday, 4 December 2014

A303 The Story of this beleaguered road from 1958 > present day......

John Glen MP for Salisbury has just posted this statement on his web page: from Monday's announcement to fix the A303.....make a cup of tea and read it here:

John came to visit STAG in October 2013 to offer his support as soon as his diary would allow, and that support has never faulted in the 14 months since STAG was established, recognising that we are a campaign in our own right.....On the other hand, a number of the Councillors within Amesbury Area Board (AAB) have so far failed to take us seriously.......take note AAB.......we and our team members have worked tirelessly to reach this milestone announcement by the government on 1st December.   This is borne out from John Glen's recent statement which can be read from the link above and the following are dates where John has mentioned STAG in the statement:
10th October 2013 - JG mentions STAG in Business Questions in the House
4th March 2014 - JG mentions STAG in 90 minuted debate in the House 
9th July 2014 - JG presents a 2000 signature petition to the House
He has continued support us throughout 2014 either by presence or e-mail up to the announcement last Monday.
A campaign such as this, cannot be run for free, tho' all our team members give up their time voluntarily.   As its Founder, I wanted to take the campaign to another level.   With a view to saving further money on flyers - some 6000 having been funded by ourselves.....and I may say, a 2500 return is a pretty good result, along with posters, hi viz jackets and other types of banner......!   I sought the permission of local farmers, to use their fences to attach some large banners for the travelling public to see that there is such a campaign running.   I then scoured the website and found out how one goes about raising some cash, £400 or less would be enough for the banners and to carry the campaign on to the next's what it says:
If you are a community enthusiast, community or voluntary group or town or parish council looking to fund a community project in Wiltshire during 2013/2014, then you may be eligible for a community area grant.
In the correct manner, an application to Wiltshire Council's Area Board was submitted for consideration at the AAB meeting on 2nd October, when it was duly voted on by the attending Councillors.  It's unfortunate that some of those Councillors saw fit to vote against, providing any money preferring to finance - a Christmas lunch to the tune of £500!!!
They could even be forgiven for thinking.....JOB DONE! following this week's announcement.   Although the Conservative Government have tied things up so that consecutive governments cannot unravel it......we all know that another government getting in next May or for that matter May 2020 the whole thing could still be upended.   Supposing everything goes ahead as this government intends, we still have the activists who are against tunnelling, widening the road and those against the use of  any kind of petrol/diesel motorised vehicle.    This campaign needs to continue as there is much to be done, because the work to dual/tunnel the A303 will be a long time to commencement.

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