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Wednesday 25 June 2014

Grind It Down Till It Fits.....

There are many mentions throughout my blog of "RAT RUNNING".   This usually takes place when the A303 is gridlocked or even when it's not and flowing well.   There appears to be a habit now, of just cutting through the village of Shrewton for the sake of it.  
My thanks are due to the owner of this cottage for these pictures taken at the corner of  Mill Lane turning into Tanners Lane last could this guy have forgotten he had a 10 meter glider hooked on to the rear of his car?!   He's actually jammed between the wall and the raised bank of the garden at the rear of the glider!!!
I suppose the pictures could be considered quite amusing to some and they may generate a few comments such as...."you blithering idiot, what did you think you were doing" or perhaps the comments will be a little more "Anglo Saxon" in..."what a prat" or other more stronger comment!!  
On a more serious note tho', I titled this Post - Grind It Down Till It Fits - for good reason.....
Whilst this is the first time a "rat runner" (admitted) has tried to take a glider around this corner, Andy the owner of the cob cottage, has experienced frequent damage to his wall, damage to the paintwork and has even had his gutter knocked off by vans that shouldn't even be negotiating such a corner and repairs are now getting quite costly.
COB Walling is explained here:

Rat Running will only reduce when the government agree to spend some money to improve the A303 west of Stonehenge, and keep these people on the main arterial route, where they should remain for the duration of their journey in the area west of Stonehenge!!!

1 comment:

Dr.Strange said...

Anybody worked out where this CRV Honda wheeled jerk was supposed to be going? He says he was looking for the A303; God help all other glider pilots in the UK. I was always instructed, "look below,in front, above, and behind".