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Tuesday, 4 March 2014

On the right track at Westminster!

Following on from my previous blog that John Glen MP secured a 90 minute debate in Westminster, all about the A303 and what needs to be done to dual/tunnel this beleaguered road and how the government can provide funds for the much needed improvement for the route to the West Country.....
a brilliant job done today John!   Many thanks from us all at STAG and we speak for local people too!   I have listened to all 90 minutes of the debate when MP's from all the way down the A303/A358/A30 corridor were present.  STAG did have "Their Man on The Ground" at Westminster Hall STAGman!  
Whilst he will make a full report tomorrow - is probably banging it out on a lap top on the train as we speak, he did say this :
"In short, a positive session, in which all agreed the imperative economic need, but many procedural hoops to jump through before we know what the consultation will bring.  There is a general view (John included) that a long bore tunnel is much more achievable/acceptable now than it was 10 years ago: financially, technically, socially and arechaeologically."

Robert Goodwill MP Under Secretary of State for Transport, acknowledged STAG as a campaign, set out some early solutions and we should learn more as early as the autumn of this is a letter he wrote to our MP this week:
I particularly liked the bit when he said "while moneys are distributed accross the country for roads, "the A303, is in the final of this competition"

If you would like to listen/watch the debate follow this link: it's 90 minutes of your time tho'!!

So! it's official.....the "S" word is gaining momentum as a campaign in its own right and this can only get better the more attention we get from media including newspaper, T.V. and radio!  This is the link for the radio interviews this morning with both John Glen MP and Justin Heath of the STAG team: No longer available here, but can be reached at:!

If you haven't already signed our petition, you can do so here on and please remember to confirm having done so or your vote will not be included.

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