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Sunday, 12 January 2014

HS2 a costly white elephant!

Right!  let's get on with it then.....I mean dualling the A303 past Stonehenge
 and on down the A303/A30 corridor.   STOP spending more money on the white elephant that is :

HS2 - High Speed Rail !
Isn't it time that accountability was brought to bear on
HS2 Limited....the tax payer funded company brought in to develop the high speed rail line - that will only service London, Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester. 
The Daily Telegraph has a story about our money spent frivolously amounting to...wait for it....£300 million in under 3 years.....on what? you may ask: £170 million was spent in the first 10 months of 2013 alone on stuff....9620 payments of £500 or more were paid out including £700 on ipad covers!!! £1.4 million to a branding company for event management and almost £10 million to employment agencies.
All this spending will apparently cut 49 minutes off the London to Birmingham run. Read the whole story on
This type of spending needs to stop!   Follow other posts on this blog to see why the A303 at Stonehenge can no longer cope with the volume of traffic it supports, and the money wastefully spent on HS2 needs to be spent on dualling.  
Now we have the news that the A360 off Longbarrow to Airman's Cross will be clogged most weekends and holidays when the already over capacitated "Stonehenge New visitor's Centre" is full, adding to the queues already on the A303!  This has been a very badly thought out project!!!!
Dual the A303 now at sign our petition please....thankyou!

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