About Bonfire Night 2013, Percy was born, as a result of a road edge collapse adjacent to Byway 11 on the Westbound A303, close to Stonehenge.
Quick as a flash, www.highways.gov.uk sent 3 wise men to worship Percy and they all agreed, it was a miraculous conception as they, in concert with
www.english-heritage.org.uk had said that in their opinion, "the closure of the A344 would have no significant effect on the traffic volumes on the Countess Roundabout to Longbarrow Roundabout section" i.e., no deterioration of the road. Having foregone the gold, frankincense and myrrh offerings, the 3 wise men elected to offer tar macadam instead. So on the evening of the 12th December the celebrations went on late into the night, which had a dire effect on homeward bound traffic, including ourselves returning from a day away to the big smoke. A good time was had by all at the www.johnrutter.com Christmas concert at the beautiful www.royalalberthall.com/tickets We join the queue just east of Stonehenge and are held up for half an hour - it's already 9pm! Much phoning of loved ones takes place to say we're almost home but stuck on the A303....so what's new?

This picture shows the first of Percy's repairs.....nice > however...... Percy resurrected himself in less than 7 days....does anyone know the cost to us, the tax payer to repair poor Percy?

Please Highways Agency......do a decent job next time, because it's only a matter of time before serious damage is caused to someone's vehicle or an HGV has to pull out to avoid Percy Pothole and with on-coming traffic and this section of the A303 being single carriagway......I leave the rest to you to work out!!!!
It's Sunday 12th January and the temperature has dropped dramatically. My spies tell me that Percy now has a Big thick overcoat! (Double time no doubt)..... However, I've just past Percy this afternoon - Wednesday 15th, and his overcoat is wearing in just 3 days and letting in the rain....won't be long before it's threadbare again!
Here it is Friday 17th and Percy has been a naughty boy and revealed himself again!
Please help us get the A303 dualled past Stonehenge and on to Berwick Down...sign our Parliamentary petition here: www.sh2.co.uk and please remember to confirm having signed, using the e-mail that will be sent to you......thank you!
Wednesday 22nd and Percy's been filled in again....3rd repair in 5 weeks....let's see how long it lasts this time.
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