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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

STAGa303 Meetings b----y meetings

STAG creator has attended meetings, meetings and yet more meetingsMeetings attended by over 150 people - the subject on everyone's mind....Dual the A303 now to make our villages safer!  Meetings to open up STAG to the villages around the area with everyone agreeing to "do their bit"....putting out flyers, printing and laminating posters, giving their time....if you were in one of the cars held up on the A303 last Saturday, and finally got to the top of the hill at West Amesbury where it goes to single carriageway before the monument, and accepted my flyer, thanks for taking it and I hope you've already signed our petition.  
To continue the meetings...with MP's and Councillors of the area and John Glen MP appears to be making our plight a priority and has even mentioned STAG in parliament...pity the Leader of the House was stuck in our queue in we care...of course we care.
My letter printed on 17.10.13 asked the question of English Heritage: you must have been involved at the planning stage of changes to the local topography, but yet, you didn't appear to understand that due to the closure of the A344, anyone needing to head north to villages/towns and beyond, who would have used the A344, must now remain on the A303 for another mile to Longbarrow roundabout and join the queue for those intending to visit Stonehenge Visitors Centre!!!......Next summer will be a nightmare for us! Unfortunately, Highways Agency didn't  see the need for a dedicated route off Longbarrow roundabout to the "New Visitor's Centre". Where's the logic? I hear there's to be yet another feasibility study for dualling the A303....H A, you've just spent £43million of tax payers money on previous feasibility studies - where are they...mis filed?    OK! we need to decide how to go forward with STAG so, yet another meeting and this time STAG has not one, but two guardian angels to carry it forward to the next stage....take a look at:
Update at 13.11.13....Due to a change of MP as Under Secretary of State...the new Minister Robert Goodwill - will not now be coming to Shrewton to discuss the future of the A303 because "as a new kid on the block" his diary is clogged with other more pressing issues!  He has however, put autority to Highways Agency to adjust the road markings at Longbarrow we shall see when that happens....
Yet another meeting last evening 21st November - Amesbury Area Board where the Longbarrow road sign adjustments were confirmed.   Progress to increase the weight limit in Shrewton from 2 tons to 7.5 tons, so the entry on STAG site is having some effect.  A "SLOW" sign at the entry to Shrewton from London Road, has been proposed.
Another 2 STAG meetings Saturday 23rd  and 30th: to start the arrangements for our "Peaceful Protest" for the opening of the new visitors centre on press day 17th!  We feel it's coming together and will have to seek advice from our local Police Inspector to keep everything legal and correct.
Another day, another meeting!  On Tuesday 3rd December, two representatives of The National Trust kindly gave up their evening time and we had a very positive meeting with 5 members of the STAG team in attendance.  We as locals, now feel that at last someone is prepared to listen and that something might just be done.   We realise there is no "quick fix" and we're in this for the long term but at least we now feel we have partners with whom we can work.   Many things need to be considered - not the least the environment and topography around the WHS where much of the land is owned by the National Trust.  Possible routing was discussed and what can be done in the meantime to make our villages safer at the same time giving respect to our beautiful County of Wiltshire. 
To dual the A303 past Stonehenge  Sign the petition please and remember to use the follow up e-mail to confirm too....thanks!

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