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Friday 20 September 2024

I'm livid with one....Mickey Kyrle

Or perhaps that's just what Micky wants, maybe he's a lonely old sod looking for responses!!!  He certainly considers himself an expert on matters A303 and all things Shrewton related.  Well let me tell him, he is NO expert and clearly knows nothing about Shrewton and it's problems.  He's obviously not read this with over 101,000 viewings, where he just might update himself on official figures and stats and the stuff he's written here is way off the beam and will anger and upset every Shrewtonite - of which I am and remain so after 32 years albeit having moved to Scotland because of the - NON traffic he refers to!!   For him to personally insult and verbally attack both a Shrewton villager and Parish Councillor is just downright ignorance and not very intelligent. 

 If one Goolges "Mickey Kyrle" he tells us he considers himself a nice person....this is what he says about himself on You Tube: "I Like to help people all the time. I've got a heart of gold until someone tries to mine it then I'm a monster. My life isn't perfect but it's peaceful and its how I like it. I don't claim to be perfect and never do but will keep moving forward." Well, Mickey has certainly shown his true colours in the following comments in Salisbury Journal following the closure of the A303 last evening and a fatality.  They have invoked a huge I say, maybe he's lonely....this is what he says in: 

"The traffic through Shrewton is no worse than it was beforehand, to harp on about the tunnel is bonkers. Shrewton is a small village surrounded by farmland which generate income and the farmers aren't going to allow their land to be dug up due to a bunch of imbalanced people moaning that an extra few cars coming through Shrewton that doesn't exist. I've got friends and family in Shrewton and they tell me the issues you highlight have been present for decades, so get over yourself. The tunnel costing more than £1.7 billion was a waste of time and taxpayers money at the very least. The bottleneck section needs to be widen and let's get on with it and shut up moaning, this would cost only a couple of million pound and improve the road infrastructure and take the non-existent extra cars out of Shrewton to satisfy the individuals complaining. More cars equals more trade for local businesses but if that's not allowed then tell all local businesses in Shrewton to pack up and leave as I'm sure that then you'll have really something to moan about. Some places don't have shop in their village etc and yet your complaining about the apparent extra cars that don't exist, what a delusional individual and we all wonder why the area is falling apart with individuals like this in charge of the council, my mind boggles. Shrewton needs more homes on designated brown areas aka building areas deemed safe to do so and to leave all farm land alone, if Shrewton doesn't grow towards Amesbury and Durrington it'll disappear. As for your comments on rat runs of Shrewton it's not possible to drive through Shrewton like a rat run or racecourse due to the hard corners and the river running through it. The roads aren't wide enough to do what you claim and its the reason why the r2 is being effected as the roads are becoming awkward to navigate due to overgrown vegetation from gardens etc but yet homeowners complain there's little public services. Cut back the vegetation and street lights could be seen, corners can be seen, road markings can be seen, bus stops can be seen, stick to the designated paths that are in place and keep vegetation off the paths so they can be used by children etc. For maybe once these village cllrs need to grasp a dose of reality if you don't want the world at your doorstep then buy a huge acreage and live in the middle of it, better yet build a home underground and be that loner you so want to be. Utter twoddle from this cllr and clearly get another person in there with common sense and youth to them and let's get on with making life's better rather than destroying soo much to suit the NIMBYs like this cllr."

And here are some of the replies: 

↪ in reply to Mickey Kyrle Freddiesaunt 18th September 5:07 pm What rambling nonsense. Will you allow your child to walk home from school along that busy road with no pavement? No, didn’t think so. You know nothing about life in Shrewton. Last Updated: 19th September 7:42 pm

↪ in reply to Freddiesaunt Local resident 18th September 6:21 pm "I agree with your comments.  I moved to Shrewton nearly 40 years ago, for many years it was possible to walk around with little fear of being knocked down. The closure of the A344 changed all that (thanks to Wiltshire Council) and the traffic situation now is totally unacceptable. I have never heard anyone say a lot of fuss is being made about nothing (the opposite is true) so where Mickey Kyrle's 'friends and relatives' live is anybody's guess and perhaps Mickey would care to tell us where all the businesses are that are benefitting from the traffic. From 23 August to 2 September there was a Speed Indicator Device with a traffic counter data logger in place in Shrewton's London Road, in that time over 41,000 vehicles passed through with a maximum speed of 68mph being recorded (this road being a 30mph speed limit)." Last Updated: 9 hrs ago

It does appear that Mickey has really got his dander up.....

↪ in reply to Freddiesaunt Mickey Kyrle 19th September 8:21 am Freddiesaunt wrote: "What rambling nonsense. Will you allow your child to walk home from school along that busy road with no pavement? No, didn’t think so. You know nothing about life in Shrewton."

This is what Mickey says....."Oh yes of course only you dwellers know what happens in Shrewton. Get a grip on yourselves no parent allows any child to walk anywhere unescorted and if you do you're a truly a bad parent. I visit Shrewton often and all I see here is utter twoddle. Privileged individuals which is a minority wanting to rule majority as only their opinions matter. Very few vote in Shrewton and look at what's on offer for cllrs. Instead of asking for everything and give nothing think of others for once. If you have no paths demand for them as by law there has to be paths for pedestrians, oh that's right Privileged individuals don't want paths outside their homes. Cut back the vegetation like you're all been told to do for decades now that effects the main roads and maybe just maybe paths will appear. If you don't want progress then cut Shrewton off from the world and shut up, the UK is flat broke due to incompetent individuals running the UK, cllrs demanding from MPs to get super expensive projects done but nothing as simple as a road widening etc. Don't blow a horn for the misgivings of others if you refuse to help those that may need it, furthermore paths will be put in once Shrewton agrees that it needs to be evaluated for better quality infrastructure. Stop being backwards and be forwards, I'll be in Shrewton in the next couple of days and will enjoy the scenery of overgrown vegetation and beautiful homes that I can see". Last Updated: 19th September 3:49 pm 

in reply to Mickey Kyrle wilts resident 19th September 9:45 pm - "I stopped reading after your first sentence - "The traffic through Shrewton is no worse than it was beforehand" ABSOLUTE BALDERDASH The levels of traffic have increased by many, many times over the last decade, and not just at weekends but on every single day of the week - but what do I know I only live in the village! In my opinion the twaddle you referred to in your letter was written by you." Last Updated: 3 hrs ago 

So! Mr Kyrle.....get yourself updated before putting proverbial foot in mouth and stop being an expert on stuff you know nothing about!!!!!

Tuesday 27 August 2024

A303 The Highway to Hell

Speaks for itself.....write to Rachel Reeves : 
Phone: 020 7219 7097

Saturday 24 August 2024

I didn't expect anything more from this government!!!

So! at last, I've received a response from the PM following my letter to him on 31st July 2024 the same day as I wrote to The Chancellor, Rachel Reeves and sadly, her department have not seen fit to respond as yet and we have to assume this is it!   
There was no surprise in the reply, and of course the letter is not actually from the PM's office at all.  In reading the letter, I was very tempted to correct some of the punctuation to allow it to scan properly.  I doubt very much that the PM or the Chancellor have the time to read my blog and therefore would have missed the bit on my post about Rachel Reeves shooting herself in the foot :
This bit here......
"Whilst this blog was mainly a campaign to stop rat running through the nearest village to Stonehenge - Shrewton, it's not all about rat running, but also about opening up the west country, including Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, by unlocking the traffic bottleneck past Stonehenge on the A303, where it can take up to 2 hours to travel 3 miles....clearly, Ms Reeves has never sat in that queue!!!  By progressing with this now over costed project - all down to Stonehenge Alliance's continued whingeing and their lies - tourism, alone would allow the project to pay for itself, but sadly she's just killed that and Devon and Cornwall will suffer as a result.   Has she ever thought about the truckers who have to sit in the queue and who can't rat run, when all they want is to deliver the goods on board and get back to their families.  Of course, she's just another person who sits at a desk in London and makes decisions for the rest of us and is apparently, entitled to do so!!"

I've managed to unearth a letter from Salisbury's MP John Glen to the Chancellor of the time.....
The Rt Hon George Osborne MP which explains all.   Although early on in the campaign, it confirms and belies the present chancellor's statement that "The A303 scheme was ultimately set to deliver low value for money" etc 4th para in their letter.  The letter confirms that the project would in fact pay for itself and some.  Sadly, with all the delays and procrastinations, the letter is somewhat out of date and costs have risen exponentially as a result.  
So! the long term benifits of achieving a cohesive upgrading of the A303 where single carriageways punctuate this direct trunk route to the West Country, have been arbitrarily swept aside, citing unaffordability whilst competely discounting the financial benefits for the future!!!



Thursday 15 August 2024

The A303 is the main arterial route from London to Cornwall

And by pulling the plug on fixing the a303 passing Stonehenge, the present government have also prevented the little village of Winterbourne Stoke from becoming a safer place.  The by-pass for this village was part of the package and so the residents continue to have the same misery they've experienced for years going forward.....bonkers!!!   

Please sign this petition especially if you ever have need to use the A303..... 

It's surely time that this government learned that life is......


Monday 5 August 2024

Where will the money go then Stonehenge Alliance???

I do wonder what . will do with all that banked money from around the world now that it's not needed....will they even come clean??? 

The above is the link to the present government's announcement on the 29th July, showing everything they pulled from the British people.   Had they put this information out to the voting public/made it easier to find..... before the election and when they secured their place in government on the 5th July 2024, I doubt they would be in office right now....feeling conned!😡

However, if you don't have the time or the inclination to wade through the document, have done it for you!  How kind!!!   
They've picked out the bit that refers to the pulling of the 
A303 Stonehenge Project just so they, childishly can....gloat gloat gloat!   
But.....they're still looking for your money folks!!!  This is on their web page this morning.....

You can donate to the Stonehenge Alliance campaign here!


To use PayPal you do not need a PayPal account.  It accepts all major credit and debit cards.

We need money for:

• Commissioning independent specialist advice, data analysis, technical support and online communication platforms.

• Publicity such as flyers, banners, social media ads and videos.

• Sundry items e.g. postage and creative campaign materials.


Monday 29 July 2024

Shot herself in the foot - going forward....

Stonehenge tunnel scheme scrapped by government

An artist impression of the Stonehenge tunnel

By cancelling this project, Rachel Reeves has just shot herself in the foot if she thinks she's helping the economy out of her own created black hole which has just emerged on her 24 day watch!!!  Ms Reeves has not looked at the wider picture and gone against what she said in the Labour manifesto, that she would not be making any rash decisions which are short lived and today, she's done just that!!!  

                                                         Phone: 020 7219 7097

Whilst this blog was mainly a campaign to stop rat running through the nearest village to Stonehenge - Shrewton, it's not all about rat running, but also about opening up the west country, including Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, by unlocking the traffic bottleneck past Stonehenge on the A303, where it can take up to 2 hours to travel 3 miles....clearly, Ms Reeves has never sat in that queue!!!  By progressing with this now over costed project - all down to Stonehenge Alliance's continued whingeing and their lies - tourism alone would allow the project to pay for itself, but sadly she's just killed that and Devon and Cornwall will suffer as a result.   Has she ever thought about the truckers who have to sit in the queue and who can't rat run, when all they want is to deliver the goods on board and get back to their families.  Of course, she's just another person who sits at a desk in London and makes decisions for the rest of us and is apparently entitled to do so!!

And now to the cancelled project....In removing the present A303 from the World Heritage Site by going underground, this would have opened up the whole area for all to enjoy the fawn and flora, cycling, riding, walking and in turn keeping people healthy and fit.   It's a well known fact that the A303 at Stonehenge is regularly over capacity by 86% and local villages suffer hugely by rat run traffic.  I always quote the SID figures for August 2019 that in just one month 169,000 vehicles travelled down London Road in Shrewton, which is just 8 meters wide and 6 in places, with a left hand bend and no pavements.  There is a small community on London Road who need to get down into the village for school, doctor and shops but the whole of the village is grid locked especially every Friday and Saturday through out the year and this traffic increases come school holidays making Shrewton a very dangerous village indeed.  I hear today that the figure is over 3000 per day as I write this.  The news will also affect house buying and selling in for a glut of local people leaving, but sadly getting a reduced price for their properties!

Here's what Cllr Richard Clewer head of Wiltshire Council, has to say on yesterday's news : 

Wiltshire Council expresses disappointment at A303 Stonehenge decision

Published 29 July 2024Richard Clewer headshot

Wiltshire Council has today (Monday 29 July) expressed its disappointment at the Government's indication to cancel the A303 Stonehenge tunnel project.

Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council, said: We are extremely dismayed and disappointed at the Government's decision to cancel the A303 Stonehenge tunnel project. These improvements are needed now to ease traffic congestion on the A303 and reduce traffic in our communities, and also ensure economic growth in Wiltshire, unlocking jobs and investment in the wider south-west region.

It has taken many years of lobbying and working closely with partners, including National Highways, to bring this major infrastructure project to Wiltshire, and so it is a huge blow to get to the stage when construction is ready to begin, only to have this taken away from us at this late hour.

There has already been £160m spent on this project, and cancelling it now wastes that huge investment, including the work to run a power supply up the A360 to the tunnel site. There is currently no viable alternative to the tunnel on the table. It would return the Stonehenge landscape to something like its original setting and allow local communities greater access to the ancient stones and the surrounding World Heritage Site.

We will remain committed to this project and will continue to work closely with all stakeholders to try to bring this project back to Wiltshire, to reduce rat-running in our communities, to reduce journey times to the wider south-west, to boost economic growth in Wiltshire, and to unlock jobs and investment across the region.

Explore the topic
Presumably this lot are taking all the credit.....what will they do with all the money they've fleeced from around the world....I wonder?

Rachel Reeves has put a lot of short term thought into her decision and she will regret it one day very soon!

Wednesday 12 June 2024

If you're going to Glasto this year.....

Can you do us a favour and seek out the children's entertainer - sorry, don't know his name but probably to be found at .  Please tell him from me, Dave is still suffering pain and his clavicle (collar bone) has not settled....see this photo from last week.  The man involved will remember that on his way home in his motorhome from last year's Glastonbury, he knocked my husband off his bike while Rat Running through Shrewton at 20 mph on a 6 meter wide road.  It is my understanding that the cyclist has priority over a motorised vehicle with pedestrians having 1st priority.  However, I doubt the guy will be too concerned since he, at the time, said he was "punched" by Dave....I fail to see how this could ever be the truth while Dave was on his way to the ground with damages to his bike and glasses as well as his mental health and well being.  You can read the full story here:

As it happens, the man may have done us a favour, because even although in some pain, we now live 390 miles away and he probably contributed to our decision to sell up and move on, now living in a quiet village on the borders of Scotland, we don't need to worry anymore about the traffic in Shrewton....sadly, we've left all that behind for the residents who have put up with the rat run for over 30 years, while it steadly gets worse as the A303 passing Stonehenge is no longer fit for purpose and the Project to fix this is continually held up by   They continue to reap money from all around the world from people who have never been to Witlshire and wouldn't know where Stonehenge is, far less knowing why they're donating and to what.  These continual hold ups from this group are to blame for the increased cost and they have, at the same time missed the point of the whole process.